Chris Green

Head of Communications, EMEA – (ISC)2

As a business and technology journalist, as well as a communications professional, Chris Green has been at the forefront of technology reporting and reviewing for over 25 years. His specialist areas include security, networking & telecommunications, internet technologies, storage, office productivity tools, operating systems and automotive technology. Chris has a background in both consumer and business IT journalism as well as research. Chris' background includes three years as the launch Editor of the highly-respected UK business IT publication IT PRO. Prior to this, Chris worked for Computing, where he spent nine years as Technical Editor and then Editor of, as well as Editor of its sister title Data Business. Chris also spent two years leading content development for the Future of Work: Amplifying Human Potential research series, launched at the World Economic Forum’s Davos conference.

Organizator konferencji

Evention sp. z o.o., Rondo ONZ 1 Str, Warsaw, Poland
Specjalizujemy się w kompleksowym programie realizacji wydarzeń, które są efektywnym sposobem budowania relacji z potencjalnymi klientami.


Weronika Warpas