Mark Snel

Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) & Head of Cyber Security, Signify

I have more than 20 years of experience in the information security and information risk management, from technical roles to my recent role as a CISO for Signify (formerly Philips Lighting). I hold a Master of Information Management degree, believe in a business-driven approach to managing information risk, and am always willing to experiment with new ideas to improve our profession. Recently I joined the diversity & inclusion champions network in Signify to contribute to this important strategic goal.

Organizator konferencji

Evention sp. z o.o., Rondo ONZ 1 Str, Warsaw, Poland
Specjalizujemy się w kompleksowym programie realizacji wydarzeń, które są efektywnym sposobem budowania relacji z potencjalnymi klientami.


Weronika Warpas
+48 570 611 811