Vladyslav Zakhozhai

Co-owner and CTO, Labyrinth

Vladyslav Zakhozhai is a Co-owner and CTO at Labyrinth, who has stood behind Labyrinth Deception Platform creation, product development, and implementation since 2018.

Vlad graduated from Kyiv-Polytechnical Institute (Ukraine) with a computer network and system major. Before creating Labyrinth, Vladyslav was responsible for DevOps engineering, system administration, product presales, etc., in the leading position within Ukrainian and international IT companies. He is a dedicated professional aiming to provide top-notch cybersecurity solutions to beat all current and prospective adversaries attacks your company will ever face.

In his free time, Vladyslav loves to mess around with his two kids, playing Lego, making crafts out of clay, and watching cartoons, and who knows, maybe he is raising a new generation of cybersecurity engineers?

Take the chance to meet Vlad at the Advanced Threat Summit to discuss modern deception-based threat detection.

Organizator konferencji

Evention sp. z o.o., Rondo ONZ 1 Str, Warsaw, Poland
Specjalizujemy się w kompleksowym programie realizacji wydarzeń, które są efektywnym sposobem budowania relacji z potencjalnymi klientami.


Weronika Warpas
+48 570 611 811