Zhakuj się, zanim zrobią to inni! – Warsztat z wykorzystaniem Keysight ThreatSim and CyPerf. / Hack yourself before they do! – Keysight ThreatSim and CyPerf workshop.*

The primary frustration faced by SecOps teams is false positives, which demand resources to investigate and often ultimately lead to the discovery that it was not an incident.

The second challenge is to anticipate an attack (Detection/Response) and then try to stop it as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, you never know if you are prepared to handle it.

Pentest could be a solution, but they are typically conducted once a year, within a limited scope, and remain very costly.

It is essential to be able to measure your defense capabilities.

Our goal is to help you generate real attacks in production without risk, using frameworks like the Mitre Att@ck , rather than assuming you are protected.

You can easily assess your implementation of security controls ( NGFW, IPS, IDS, WAF , EDR , DLP, …).
Are they able to block or detect threats?

If not, we can assist you with recommendations before real attackers exploit them.

During a workshop we will cover also:
> Validate Zero Trust, SASE or SD-WAN by creating digital twin of users, applications, and attacks to replicate your network in action and asses users’ QoE in real-world network environments.

> Tackle cloud migration challenges with an agent-based test solution that recreates every aspect of a realistic workload across a variety of cloud environments to deliver insights into end user experience, security posture, and performance bottlenecks of public and private clouds.

Be proactive!

  Date and time
24.11 9.30 - 11.30 | 2 hours

   Location and formula
Online, Zoom platform

  Limit of participants
No limit


Business Development Manager EMEA
Security Solution Engineer EMEA

Organizator konferencji

Evention sp. z o.o., Rondo ONZ 1 Str, Warsaw, Poland
Specjalizujemy się w kompleksowym programie realizacji wydarzeń, które są efektywnym sposobem budowania relacji z potencjalnymi klientami.


Weronika Warpas